Monday, April 14, 2008



About Theresa Kahn:

Theresa Kahn is an experienced Lecturer, (Cert.Ed.) and Coordinator with considerable experience in Adult and Further Education. She has worked with groups and individuals from all over the world, which has included projects with the National Probation Service, numerous Local Communities and in the Health and Social Care Services. She takes referrals from the National Phobics Society. She is dedicated in providing excellence in both her practice and teaching, thus providing a high quality and professional service to clients and students alike.

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki, (pronounced ray-key) is Japanese. It is the make up of two words 'Rei' which means universal, in the sense of everywhere and also 'Ki' which means the same as prana or chi, i.e. the vital life force within everything alive. Reiki is also the descriptive name for the art of Natural Healing.

How can you experience Reiki Healing? Reiki is experienced whilst the client relaxes fully clothed on a massage table while the practitioner lightly lays his/her hands on, engulfing the body front and back with pure Reiki energy - Reiki works on the whole body, inside and out.
Reiki addresses physical, mental, emotional and energetic imbalances. It also promotes overall well-being, healing and optimal good health.
We can all benefit from Reiki Healing; it is suitable for people of all ages and is helpful with a wide range of health related issues.
Reiki works well in conjunction with conventional treatments.

You can contact Theresa Kahn by email or telephone if you require further information or want to book a Course and/or a Consultation on:

Tel: 020 7286 8616
Mob: 07910 356 749

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